Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I Love.........

A list of things I love:

God, laughing, hugs, taking walks, sunsets, Noah and Nate's chubby hands, elastic waist bands, camping, being a wife, peanut butter, the old barn, flowers, crying when I feel like it, Autumn leaves, reading to my boys, tickling Jared, taking pictures, looking at pictures, praying with my husband, a star filled night, making new friends and getting close to the one's that I have, jammie days, running at my own pace, golf cart rides with all the kids piled on, strawberries,my parents, rocking Nate, lazy days with nothing to do, teaching my children about God, watching Noah chase butterflies, singing along to worship music, mountain views, the sound of water, having a big brother, canoing, knowing my husband prays for me, hugs from my Dad, the way my Mom still worries about me and tells me when to go bed, chocolate, that my kisses actually make my kids' boo boos feel better, being close with my sisters, the smell of lilac, watching my children play in the rain, making someone smile, being an Aunt, cozy winter days when we are snowed in, reading a verse for the 50th time and learning something new, turtles, when I don't have to shave my legs as much in the winter, waking up beside Jared, being a child of God, Aunt Vi's dessert, when Jared comes home early from work, when Noah tells me that I'm his special girl, when Nate plays with my hair, memories, sound of my boys giggling, the way Jared tells me he loves me with his eyes, sneezing, going home, telling Jared something that he doesn't already know....which doesn't happen often, mountain pies, knowing Jesus as my Savoir, giving my testimony, coloring with my boys, swinging, playing my guitar with Jared, a good nap, rainy days, watching Jared be a wonderful father to our boys, praying for people, doing laundry (just joking), watching Noah ride his bike, remembering my childhood, making someone laugh, being a mother, the way it smells after it rains, the sound of the birds outside our window in the morning, being a mother to Noah and Nathan, being a daughter to two wonderful parents who love their family so much, praying with my children, kissing my kids goodnight, sharing my pictures and thoughts with all who read this blog.

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